Welcome at FirmoLin
FirmoLin is an internationally oriented technological corporation rooted in the timber industries, having developed a unique FirmoLin hygrothermolytic wood modification technology. FirmoLin is based in the Netherlands with three specialized business activities,
Sales and Services – offering contract thermal modification treatments on the regional timber market with an annual production capacity of 10,000 m3.
Research and Development – on wood modification processes, material properties and their quality control
Systems – offering licensed skid-based turn-key FirmoLin hygrothermolytic wood modification plants on the global timber processing market
If you are interested in FirmoLin thermally modified wood products, please consult our Sales and Services department for a supplier. FirmoLin does not sell wood products.
FirmoLin’s main business address is Agrobaan 4a, 5813 EB Ysselsteyn, the Netherlands. .
Hygrothermolytic Wood Modification
Thermal modification takes place in a chamber heated to high temperature without air supply. Oven-drying conditions encountered in low pressure heating (Thermolysis) are harsh for the wood material, by the danger of (micro-)checking and deformations. Wetting conditions encountered in high pressure saturated steam heating (Hydrothermal process) are harsh for the wood material, by the danger of permanent weakening and deformation.
The unique innovative FirmoLin technology (Hygrothermolytic process) maintains an intermediate elevated steam pressure (4 – 7 bar), adapted to the applied steam temperature (160-180°C), keeping wood moisture in equilibrium with the steam conditions. The steam pressure controls the thermal modification rate. The steam temperature determines the moisture exchange between wood and high-temperature steam, steering the character of the wood modification reactions between hydrolysis, dehydration & crosslinking.